HackerRank Python Solution - Math Topic - Integer Come In All Sizes

  • Integers in Python can be as big as the bytes in your machine's memory. There is no limit in size as there is: 231-1 (c++ int) or 263-1 (C++ long long int).
  • As we know, the result of ab grows really fast with increasing b.
  • Let's do some calculations on very large integers.
  • Read four numbers, a, b, c, and d, and print the result of ab + cd.
Input Format:
  • Integers a, b, c, and d are given on four separate lines, respectively.
  • 1 <= a <= 1000
  • 1 <= b <= 1000
  • 1 <= c <= 1000
  • 1 <= d <= 1000
Output Format:
  • Print the result of ab + cd on one line.
Sample Input:

Sample Output:

Note: This result is bigger than 263-1. Hence, it won't fit in the long long int of C++ or a 64-bit integer.


a,b,c,d = (int(input()) for _ in range(4))

print (pow(a,b)+pow(c,d))
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